Our Staff
Dr. Peter Yoon, MD (Family medicine, Director)
Dr. Arjan KC, MD (Orthopedic/Pediatric)
Dr. Maria Theresa Miranda, MD (OB/GYN)
Dr. Gonzales (Internal Medicine)(new)
Dr. Lanie (Internal Medicine) (new)
Dr. Bernal (Internal Medicine) (new)
Dr. Kyle Camacho
Dr. Darlene Arcayo
Mrs. Doris Hernandez, RN
Miss Sunflower Villanueva, RN
Miss Lesley Amoso, RN
Miss Girlie Busini, RN
Mr. Alex, RN (new)
Mr. Elmer, RN (new)
Mr. Harry Salagcog (Coordinator)
Our staff are all volunteers.
With their devotion and your patronage our world is getting brighter.
저희 임원들은 모두 자원봉사자들이며 그들이 있기에 그리고 여러분의
후원이 있기에 세상은 점점 밝아져 갑니다.